Friday, August 15, 2008


Forgot to post these yesterday. Sent Payton and Hayley off to 5th and 3rd grade respectively. We love who they have for teachers this year! This really should be a great year for all the kiddos!
I also wanted to explain why Cody is going to Coleman MS since it's clearly not our neighborhood school and it's been a popular question! Our neighborhood MS is Truesdell or "Truehell" as it's called around these parts of town. Truesdell didn't have the majority of their students pass the standardized testing and this has happened the last three years. This makes Truesdell a "choice" school which is confusing because when I think of "choice" it's usually a good thing and Truesdell is not somewhere where we "choose" to go! Anyways, The district then gives parents of the kids that are supposed to go to Truesdell or any of the other 12 schools that are "choice" schools a choice of two other schools that did pass their testing. Coleman and Hadley were our schools and we chose Coleman for a number of reasons. For one, we felt their programs would fit Cody the best. Secondly, one of our very good and bestests friends is a teacher there! Oh yeah, and Coleman didn't have any felonies commited on their school grounds last year unlike Truehell, I mean Truesdell had! 7 Felonies, by the way! Its like a prep school for future felons! So there you have it, the confusing yet "choice" reasons why Cody is a Coleman Cougar!

P.S. Cody's grandma is a cougar!

P.S.S. Ok, that didn't sound right, she's a alumni Coleman Cougar! Wink,wink!

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