Monday, January 5, 2009

Help a sister out!

Happy New Year! Boy is this month a busy one for me! Now that the holiday's have passed and the Christmas tree has been packed away I can start focusing on my trip to the Dominican Republic! 18 days and counting! I am so excited as I begin to pack! I leave January 24th! As if I'm not busy enough and I have a hard enough time updating this blog, I'm starting another one! This one will be of my travel to the DR. I plan on journaling every day as way to reflect on my experiences and to be able to share with you and all those who have helped me achieve my dream of going on a medical mission. I know I won't be able to blog live from the DR but once I get back I will have a day by day recount!
Here is where you come in! I need a name for this new blog! Leave me your suggestions in my comment box! I would love to hear what you think! It can be a play on words, sentimental, whatever! Let's hear it!
One more thing, please keep me and my family in your prayers. I'm starting to get a little antsy about the plane ride. My kids have also been very vocal about their anxiety about me leaving for this long and Payton thinks my plane will crash! I've tried reasoning him but I can tell it upsets him. He can be a stinker sometimes but it just touches me so much that he worries like that! I just ask God for his love and protection and that my family will put their trust in him! Thanks!


Anonymous said...

I don't have any thoughts for a name of the DR blog. I am just not that clever. But I did want to say how very proud I am of you! And I know that this trip will be very exciting and wonderful for you. And plane rides are a blast. Just sit back and relax. Also some sort of "happy pill" might help too.
OH - how about "Nurse takes Dominican Republic by the horns." See told you I'm not that clever!!

Anonymous said...
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Athack77 said...

I like "Medince and Miracles." Keep us posted.