Friday, July 27, 2007

Let the fun begin!

So I've been mulling over the idea of blogging on this site for awhile! I'm on myspace but I've become a bit bored with it. I finally got inspired to do something with this site when I got some software that lets you make blog banners and such! The above banner is my first attempt and I think it turned out ok! So don't be suprised if the look of this site changes quite frequently! For now enjoy some random pics from our summer so far! Enjoy!

These are from Cody's graduation from Boot Camp, Young Marines boot camp to be exact! Think Boy Scouts on steroids! Just kidding! It's really a great organization that promotes respect and pride for one's self, others and country, along with tons of community service. This is a great group for Cody since he just really isn't into sports but he just loves history and military stuff which is what this group is about! I'm just so proud of him and he looks absolutely grown up in his cammies!

Ta Ta for now!


JenM said...

Boy Scouts on Steroids!! LMAO!!

I wondered where you were hiding!

Fjord Lovers said...

Erica: I am going to save your blog to my favorites. Nick will love seeing the kids. We miss you guys - take care.

Our address is:
Hans Christian Bjeringsvei 7A, 2817 Gjovik, Norway
