Sunday, August 24, 2008

Birthday's and Baptisms!

What a busy weekend for the Burns Brood! Hayley celebrated her 8th birthday yesterday and Sydney turns 4 on Monday! We had a combined party(wonder how long we can get away with that one!?) at a local park that has a interactive water fountain and playground. The weather held out and we had a great time! Can't believe my baby girls are getting so big!
Then 4 out of the 6 members of the Burns brood were baptized today! Bobby, Cody, Payton and Hayley all got baptized at church and I'm just estatic! It was such a great celebration! The band was playing, we had good food and of course the fellowship was just awesome! It was very emotional for me to see so many members of my family to accept Jesus Christ into their hearts! The kids were baptized by Rochelle, our family pastor! Love her! Then Bobby was baptized by our Pastor Bryson. Bryson was so pumped and I'm pretty sure he said "awesome" about 80 times! My cousin Jeremy also suprised us with getting baptized! He didn't tell anyone and he was the last one on the list! His son Noah also was baptized! What a great day! Church rocked this morning, had a nice and lazy sunday afternoon and then top it off with the baptism bash! I just feel so blessed right now! Enjoy some pics!

Saturday, August 16, 2008


So with everything going on in our lives here lately praying is something that I've really focused on. It's not something I'm really comfortable with in terms of being just able to focus or just using it to further my relationship with Jesus Christ. I was surfing around on some websites and blogs I frequent and found a quote that has stuck with me lately. I got it from Beth Moore's blog. The link is on the left side of this page. I wrote it down and of course in the jungle known as my computer desk I lost it. Well I found it after deciding to clean the computer desk this morning. Here it is..

"Prayer should be as critical and functional as the steering wheel on your car. Without you, O Lord, I can go nowhere!"

What a great reminder!

Friday, August 15, 2008


Forgot to post these yesterday. Sent Payton and Hayley off to 5th and 3rd grade respectively. We love who they have for teachers this year! This really should be a great year for all the kiddos!
I also wanted to explain why Cody is going to Coleman MS since it's clearly not our neighborhood school and it's been a popular question! Our neighborhood MS is Truesdell or "Truehell" as it's called around these parts of town. Truesdell didn't have the majority of their students pass the standardized testing and this has happened the last three years. This makes Truesdell a "choice" school which is confusing because when I think of "choice" it's usually a good thing and Truesdell is not somewhere where we "choose" to go! Anyways, The district then gives parents of the kids that are supposed to go to Truesdell or any of the other 12 schools that are "choice" schools a choice of two other schools that did pass their testing. Coleman and Hadley were our schools and we chose Coleman for a number of reasons. For one, we felt their programs would fit Cody the best. Secondly, one of our very good and bestests friends is a teacher there! Oh yeah, and Coleman didn't have any felonies commited on their school grounds last year unlike Truehell, I mean Truesdell had! 7 Felonies, by the way! Its like a prep school for future felons! So there you have it, the confusing yet "choice" reasons why Cody is a Coleman Cougar!

P.S. Cody's grandma is a cougar!

P.S.S. Ok, that didn't sound right, she's a alumni Coleman Cougar! Wink,wink!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Day of firsts and Murphy's law

So this morning I sent Cody off on his first day of Middle school. Yep, my Code-man is a 6th grader at Coleman! It just doesn't seem possible that my first born is old enough for this or that I'm old enough for this! Before you know it we will be taking him to get his license! Ok, that just made the hair on my arms just stand at attention! I, of course was more nervous then he was! You know what he was most worried about??? That he would be the only one whose parent came with him today! We have had to tell him numerous times that it was ok for parents to come today. He still wasn't convinced but he conceded when we assured him that Bobby would behave and wouldn't embarrass him! Ha, good luck with that one kid, try being married to him!

On another note, I got back from Table Rock on Sunday and I'm thinking I should have just stayed home! Murphy's Law was definitely in effect last week! Now, don't get me wrong, I had a great time! I loved hanging out with my girls, I loved being on the lake even though it rained practically the whole time. The one day it was sunny has now caused me more pain then I have experienced in a long time. I'm so burnt and my lips are double in size with blisters the size of Rhode Island! Hence the reason Bobby is taking Cody to school and not me! I applied sunscreen and lip sun screen, just not enough! Plus I did a face plant in the boat and I'm pretty sure I broke my nose! This is just some of the reasons I should have just stayed home! Oh well, I've learned my lesson!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Mommy's and Margaritas!

I'm currently packing for a much needed break! I'm on my way to Tablerock for the annual botchfest! For those who don't know what botchfest means, email me, I'll gladly share the story since its probably not something I need to share here since my mom might kill me! Anyways, Botchfest is when all the ladies on the Myers side of the family converge on Shell Knob, Mo and take a couple of days to bond, float, attempt to ski, tube (if your one of the young and brave!) eat, drink margaritas( we have a margarita machine in the house!) and just recharge our batteries! I look forward to it every year! I will update and have pics when I get back!
To all the botches that will be M.I.A., we will miss you!
The LNSITW won't be the same without you!